« There may be an opening in my story, but everything that has to be found there has not yet been highlighted, we must often be wary of people who repeat what we open to them, who do not enter where the opening should be done... »
— About Lévinas, in François Poirié, « Emmanuel Lévinas », Actes Sud, "Babel" Series, 1996
What do I expect from the Institute for Levinassian Studies, for instance? I want it to be a guerim tochavim Institute, an Institute for the intellect — the sekhel — to estrange itself ! What does it mean to « estrange the intellect » nowadays ? It means fighting a merciless struggle against the doxa, the opinion. There is a generalized tyranny of the opinion, especially in the form of a « political vision of the world ». It must and suffices to be estranged from this to actually belong to the very spirit of the Institute for Levinassian Studies ! Nothing more ! »
— Benny Levy in « Lévinas and the Greek», Cahiers d'études lévinassiennes, Special Edition Benny Lévy, 2005