Cahiers d'études lévinassiennes

The Cahiers d'études lévinassiennes, a journal of research and philosophical reflection, seeks to report on the work carried out within the American Institute for Levinassian Studies and the French Institut d'Études Lévinassiennes and to extend, deepen and compare this work with the insights of other authors and other approaches. It is not a question of skilfully repeating the philosopher's theses, but rather of thinking from the problems they pose to the reader and the researcher. The articles published do not therefore focus exclusively on Lévinas and his thought, but on any thinker or thought that intersects with these issues at some point - the reason why researchers from all over the world collaborate on them.

             The Cahiers d'études lévinassiennes also has a bibliographic section, listing all publications relating to Lévinas in various languages (English, German, Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, among others). The most important works are the subject of detailed reports.

             Published annually since 2002, the journal is a 300-500 page book that meets the criteria for scholarly publications, but strives never to give in to academic conventions. Like the Institute of which they are the spokesperson, the Cahiers d'études lévinassiennes intend to combine the strictest rigour and the most total freedom.

On the strength of these requirements, the journal has conquered its place in the academic world and is found in most French-speaking university libraries and in a few others, particularly in the USA